Finally, a 3-day detox that really works…
Call it
Is it just a fad?
Do they really work?
People ask me all the time…
Do you really need to do a detox?
I’m going to dedicate this whole page answering your questions about detoxing… I’ll give you my honest opinion from the expertise I have accumulated over the years.
First of all, people don’t realize what a person’s waste says about their health…
In your gut, there are more bacterial cells than there are cells in your entire body…
Therefore, your gut is the perfect environment for bad bacteria to grow and cause harm.
If for any reason, your stools are not eliminated efficiently, toxins can be reabsorbed by your colon and as a result, you can get really sick. You can have allergy symptoms, get very tired, gain weight, have skin issues… The list is long!
Your bowels job is to absorb nutrients and eliminate the foods, toxins, and germs that could hurt you.
If your poop or farts smell very bad, it could be caused by an accumulation of food in your colon or even an infection….
This is why I think it is so important to take care of our bowels with a full body cleanse like my 3-day healing detox.
Detoxing can help you feel lighter and cleaner. It can give you more energy and help you lose excess weight.
Also, d
Detoxing is a real transformation!

You’ve probably been told that doing a detox can help you reduce bloating so that you don’t look like you’re pregnant after every meal…
…and rebalance your metabolism so that it works more efficiently…
…and get rid of the toxins that are in your organs and destroy your system, including your liver, your kidneys and your brain…
And it’s true! All of this can happen when you do my 3-day detox…
But if you’re like the thousands of people that I’ve helped, you’ve tried other detox programs already, maybe you’ve seen some results, but you’re here again, reading this…so I assume that you went back to your old patterns again…
I know you may feel skeptical about cleansing and detoxing, but here’s what I can promise you:
This 3-day detox program is different because it’s based on everything that I’ve learned after a decade of studying plant-based nutrition and naturopathy and working directly in the field in detox centers.
This 3-day detox program gives you a whole new perspective on food and a clean, fresh start.
This 3-day detox is designed to eliminate…
- Toxins that are stored in your fat cells and organs…
- Waste and accumulated food particles (literally rotting food) that are stuck in your intestines…
- Fat (belly fat, cellulite) that acts as a protector around the toxins…
- Brain fog, poor concentration and bad memory…
- Emotional stress from your every day life and from your past…

To achieve all of this, you will need to eat the most nutrient-dense superfoods and healing elixirs…
This 3-day detox can eliminate all the toxic waste from your cells and organs, leaving you ready for a whole new start.
But listen, this might be a little difficult for you…
Detoxing is not easy for everyone. Because let’s be honest here… some of you don’t have the best diet and lifestyle…
The reality is that the more toxic your lifestyle is, the more toxic your body is, the more you actually need this detox and…
…The more life-changing this 3-day detox will be for you!
But if you’re still hesitating…
Let’s see if you really need to detox…
Do you live on Planet Earth?
Yes? Then you certainly have toxins circulating in your body, it’s guaranteed. (especially if you live in the United States!)
According to the University of San Francisco, tens of thousands of toxic chemicals are manufactured or imported into the US each year – more than 30,000 pounds of toxic chemicals for every American citizen – yet we don’t know how these chemicals affect our health…
Since the day you were born, you’ve been exposed to toxins like heavy metals, paints, flame retardants, pesticides, plastics, petroleum products, just to name a few…
Consequently, all these toxic chemicals accumulate in your body…
And on top of that, day after day, you eat unhealthy food… You breath polluted air… You drink tap water with God knows what’s in it… All of this causes you to be toxic, which affects your body, your mind, and your emotions.
Your body is a very powerful machine that can handle a lot of toxicity… but there’s a limit… and that’s when certain symptoms can arise.
Are you going to listen to your body’s signals? Do you even recognize the signals?
Normally, you should know when you need a detox… But just in case you’ve missed your body’s signals, here’s what it feels like…
Find out if you need a detox…
- Do you feel tired during the day? (1-3 times per week)
- Are you overweight, unable to lose weight, have cellulite, or belly fat?
- Do you have food cravings? (1-3 times per week).
- Do you have skin problems or strong body odor?
- Do you have dark/puffy circles under your eyes?
- Do you suffer from bloating, gas or constipation?
- Do you suffer from brain fog, have trouble concentrating, or feel confused sometimes?
- Do you have headaches or migraines?
- Do you feel moody, irritable, anxious, depressed, or low motivation?
- Do you have joint pain or muscle aches?
- Do you drink any alcohol, take drugs or smoke cigarette?
So? How did you do??
If you have one or two yeses… that’s your body’s response to a toxic environment. Your body is telling you that its over-toxified, clogged, and imbalanced.
Hi, I’m Dominique Julien, and I created this 3-day detox program just for you…

I’ve changed the lives of thousands of people just like you. Trust me, I know how you can feel so lost and unhealthy, and how a detox can be so life-changing…
Before I was the happy woman you see, I too was far from having a perfect life.
I was cruising along, acting like everything was fine, when in reality it wasn’t.
I was as miserable as you get, totally beaten up, and going through the worst time of my life… so I know exactly what it’s like to need help!
Before I was 30 years old, I had gone through three miscarriages and a very violent boyfriend who I had to run away from.
I had lost all confidence and quit my journalism career to work behind the bar, drinking my problems away. I even had drug problems…
After months of depression and health problems, I decided to get back on my feet and turn my life around. I had to… I was dying inside.
I went back to school and found a new passion… nutrition and healthy living. I totally changed my mindset and way of living. I got my degree in naturopathy, studied plant-based nutrition, raw food nutrition, gut health, and therapeutic fasting.
All of this brought me to Thailand, where I worked in a famous detox center. There, I have changed hundreds of lives!
My work was featured in the renowned BBC documentary series “The Retreat” which is now on Netflix UK.
In this famous TV-series, I had the chance to show the whole world what’s possible when you follow my detox programs.
People reach out to me every day because they have been inspired to change their lives after watching the show… And they want to know how to do it too!
Here’s a short video of one of the episode of The Retreat, where I teach the participants about healing Superfoods…
I’m proud to say that I have helped men and women of all ages, from dozens of countries, famous actors, TV hosts, and ordinary people change their lives through my detox programs…
Will today be YOUR turn?
I believe there are two ways to detox the body: through fasting and through healing foods.
You probably already know about my famous 7-day fasting program… but perhaps it’s not for you… And I totally get it. Fasting is not for everyone! It’s very hard and not everyone has the capacity to stop eating for a week.
This is why I’ve created the 3-day detox program with healing
I wanted this 3-day detox program to be more than just a quick fix. I want you to experience this detox and enjoy it to the point that you’ll want to change your life and the way you normally eat!
This is how confident I am about my program!
I want you to have lasting success…
So I found that the BEST way to heal and detox your body is with healing foods…

There is nothing more powerful than the best Superfoods on the planet!
Yes, certain food have the power to change your body at a cellular level…
When eaten in very specific combinations and at the right time of the day, these superfoods have the ability to completely cleanse, nourish, energize, and balance your entire system…
This will clean out and reset your organs without depriving you of essential nutrients…unlike many cleanses out there.
On this 3-day detox…
- You’ll be eating whole fresh superfoods, healing smoothies and weight loss elixirs… so don’t worry about ever feel hungry or deprived.
- You’ll eat the right amount of food so that your body can heal your cells and organs… just enough to keep you strong but not too much so that your body doesn’t have to digest so much.
- You’ll prepare weight loss elixirs that combine certain ingredients that have the ability to burn fat and flush out toxins.
- You’ll get maximum nutrition into your body so that you can gently cleanse your digestive tract and rebalance your system.
With a clean body, you’re going to feel amazing, with a ton of energy!
If you know me well, you know that my mission in this world is to help as many people as I can to feel and look better…
I have been teaching people around the world how to detox and cleanse their bodies in many different ways… Prolonged fasting, intermittent fasting, detoxing, dieting, colon cleansing, etc…
My years of experience make me a leading expert in the
Whether it’s face-to-face or online, I have helped thousands of people resetting their minds to be able to thrive in a healthy body.
So today, for less than you’d pay for a salad at the restaurant, you’ll get my awesome 3-day detox program with a shopping list and easy recipes that you can make at home (with ingredients that are easy to find at your local store) without starving your body.
You’ll gain access to my highly effective 3-day detox plan that will eliminate toxins from your body and boost your metabolism so that you can burn more fat…
…plus you will gain access to my front yard in Thailand with my favorite detox yoga teacher, where she and I filmed a couple of detox yoga classes
And since my mission is to help as many people as I can to reach optimal health, I give you this 3-day detox program…

If you’re ready to get started, don’t wait any longer and click the “Buy Now” button below. Enter your details and I’ll send you this Amazing 3-day downloadable detox program, which includes a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.
That’s right, I love my program so this is why I am not afraid to offer you this guarantee. You can get started now, risk-free!

All materials are DIGITAL and sent to you instantly in PDF format. ANY computer can use it! You can start NOW!

Dominique Julien
Naturopath, author, health consultant, and Mother